Die herzenserwärmende Geschichte eurer Hochzeit erzählen wir aus einem ganz anderen Blickwinkel mit Liebe und Hingabe zu unserer Arbeit.Damit diese Geschichte auf ewig unvergesslich wird, fangen wir die emotionalsten und zauberhaftesten Momente auf den Hochzeitsfotos und im Hochzeitsfilm ein.Wir sind eine große Familie von Hochzeitsfotografen und Hochzeitsvideografen, die weltweit Hochzeiten begleitet und nehmen als erstes unsere Liebe zur Arbeit mit in den Reisekoffer.
Where are you located? Do you charge a travel fee for weddings not in your location?
We live in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. We don’t charge extra if the destination is less than 30 kilometers.
How long have you been in business? How many weddings have you photographed as the main photographer?
We’ve capturing special moments since 2004.
Describe your "style" of wedding photography.
Authentic, Creative, Candid, Unique.
Our goal is documenting your most special day as a movie, which you're the stars of.
What's the typical wedding coverage package that you offer? What is the price?
Full-day package starts from 1850€.
Do you have a studio where we can meet in-person?
We prefer to meet face to face, yet we provide meetings on the phone via our online booking page. You could find it on our website.
What are your professional degrees, credentials, affiliations? Have you taken any recent educational workshops or classes?
As Studio Photogram team, we’re aware of learning is an endless process. In this context; we learnt from the bests, CM Leung, Pete James, Sakiz Batsalis.
Beside workshops, photography and videography conferences improve our vision and awareness of the latest trends.