Originaire de Neuchâtel, charmante petite ville suisse, voilà bientôt 20 ans que je parcours le monde avec mon appareil photo, amoureux de l'humanité et des arts, la photo est pour moi le meilleur moyen d'associer les deux. Je mets mon savoir-faire et ma passion pour la photo à votre service toujours avec un œil créatif et original, où les émotions sont au coeur de mon travail. Je vous propose mes services dans un style photographique élégant, classe et surtout intemporel, en dehors de toutes modes éphémères.
Originally from Neuchâtel, a charming little Swiss town, I have been traveling the world with my camera for almost 20 years, in love with humanity and the arts, photography is for me the best way to combine the two. I put my know-how and my passion for photography at your service always with a creative and original eye, where emotions are at the heart of my work. I offer you my services in an elegant, classy and above all timeless photographic style, outside of all ephemeral fashions.
Originally from Neuchâtel, a charming little Swiss town, I have been traveling the world with my camera for almost 20 years, in love with humanity and the arts, photography is for me the best way to combine the two. I put my know-how and my passion for photography at your service always with a creative and original eye, where emotions are at the heart of my work. I offer you my services in an elegant, classy and above all timeless photographic style, outside of all ephemeral fashions.