Per 17 anni ho lavorato nel mondo dello spettacolo, poi ho scoperto la fotografia e in seguito la fotografia di matrimonio. Nel mio modo di scattare c'è molto di questo. Sono un reportagista che adora anche le foto uniche e strane. Scatto Lavoro in coppia con mia moglie Simona Cancelli (anche lei membro fearless) scatto circa 15000 foto ad evento. I momenti vanno colti e in ogni matrimonio ho bisogno anche di inventare e di creare e personalizzare degli scatti in base alle persone che ho davanti.
Where are you located? Do you charge a travel fee for weddings not in your location?
I'm in Sicily. I ask for travel expenses for weddings outside Sicily
How long have you been in business? How many weddings have you photographed as the main photographer?
I am a professional photographer since 2011
I have photographed 350 weddings in these years. (70 marriages In 2018, it is the lmite number I can cover)
Describe your "style" of wedding photography.
reportage with many touches of creativity
What's the typical wedding coverage package that you offer? What is the price?
2 photographers for 12 hours
cost € 2300,00
delivery of about 1000 photos
Do you have a studio where we can meet in-person?
I have a studio in siracusa (sicily)
I often find myself for work in Rome.
I organize Skype or Facebook video calls for spouses who can not meet me