Fotógrafo desde que usé una Nikon F60 analógica con 16 años en una boda. Nieto e hijo de fotógrafos, autodidacta y buscador de momentos irrepetibles... Desde mi punto de vista, la fotografía no es solo un trabajo técnico, sino un trabajo que debe salir del corazón. Una fotografía hecha sin sentimiento no es más que un acto sin sentido.
Photographer since I used an analog Nikon F60 in a wedding when I was 16 years old. Grandson and son of photographers, self-taught and one-off moments hunter...From my point of view, photography is not just a technical work, photography is something that should come out from heart. One non-feeling shot is just a nonsense fact.
Photographer since I used an analog Nikon F60 in a wedding when I was 16 years old. Grandson and son of photographers, self-taught and one-off moments hunter...From my point of view, photography is not just a technical work, photography is something that should come out from heart. One non-feeling shot is just a nonsense fact.
Where are you located? Do you charge a travel fee for weddings not in your location?
Just boarding and lodging
How long have you been in business? How many weddings have you photographed as the main photographer?
I´ve been in the business more than20 yearss and I have made more than 250 weddings as a main photographer.
Describe your "style" of wedding photography.
I used to shoot feelings of people, I like to capture them when they are in euphoria...
What's the typical wedding coverage package that you offer? What is the price?
Completed coverage, 6 hours coverage deliver in flash memory: USD 3800
Do you have a studio where we can meet in-person?
We have an office where we meet with clients and show them our work. Also, we can Skype or zoom
What are your professional degrees, credentials, affiliations? Have you taken any recent educational workshops or classes?
Industrial Deisgn Engineer, Corporate Identity. Certified Photojournalist by New York Institute of Photography. Workshops with many International wedding photographers like Jerry Ghionis, Jim Garner and Vinicius Matos.