Wat mij typeert als trouwfotograaf is dat ik graag verhalen wil vertellen. Zodra ik jullie trouwdag heb gefotografeerd wil ik jullie mee terug nemen naar de dag van jullie life-event! Je verassen met de momenten die wellicht, door alle indrukken ,aan jullie aandacht zijn ontsnapt. Ik hou van emotie, het leven is er immers vol van! Laat de foto's je raken & het moment herbeleven. Licht, compositie en emotie is waar het om draait. Ik vier graag het festival van de liefde met jullie mee!
What characterizes me as a wedding photographer is that I would like to tell your story. As soon as I have photographed the wedding day, its my intention to surprise you both with the moments that may have escaped your attention by all the impressions. I love emotion, life is full of it! I would like to celebrate the festival of love with you!
What characterizes me as a wedding photographer is that I would like to tell your story. As soon as I have photographed the wedding day, its my intention to surprise you both with the moments that may have escaped your attention by all the impressions. I love emotion, life is full of it! I would like to celebrate the festival of love with you!