Photographer and diaper changing ninja. I once had a dream that I got rich and famous for being the guy that took all the cat photos on the internet.
I am a dad, husband, and photographer in that order. Those three things make me the happiest, and my favorite new hobby is to use my photography skills to document my daughter growing up and all the fun sweet moments she has with my wife. I cherish every minute with those two and although I have huge goals for success as a photographer, every time I make my wife or baby girl laugh I feel successful enough. Sometimes I feel like becoming a successful photographer is a crazy dream, but I remember I want my daughter to chase hers someday and it makes me not want to give up.
I am a dad, husband, and photographer in that order. Those three things make me the happiest, and my favorite new hobby is to use my photography skills to document my daughter growing up and all the fun sweet moments she has with my wife. I cherish every minute with those two and although I have huge goals for success as a photographer, every time I make my wife or baby girl laugh I feel successful enough. Sometimes I feel like becoming a successful photographer is a crazy dream, but I remember I want my daughter to chase hers someday and it makes me not want to give up.