I was born and raised on the island of Nantucket, and for as long as I can remember I've been immersed in and inspired by the natural beauty of my home. I currently live on Nantucket with my husband Evan Schwanfelder, our sweet baby girl Millie and our adorable rescue pup Ziggy.
I love wedding and portrait work along with the personal projects that I seek every off season. I'm always working to evolve my craft through continued education and believe in pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. I believe that effort translates directly into the quality of the photos I make for you. I am committed to capturing the human experience from the smallest elopement to the biggest wedding celebration, from every day life to the family vacation celebrating 60 years of marriage for the grandparents. The best part of my job is that each wedding, portrait session or engagement is a new artistic endeavor with a story to be told. I'd love to talk more over the phone or meet you in person! believe in getting to know my clients and value our relationships whole heartedly.
I love wedding and portrait work along with the personal projects that I seek every off season. I'm always working to evolve my craft through continued education and believe in pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. I believe that effort translates directly into the quality of the photos I make for you. I am committed to capturing the human experience from the smallest elopement to the biggest wedding celebration, from every day life to the family vacation celebrating 60 years of marriage for the grandparents. The best part of my job is that each wedding, portrait session or engagement is a new artistic endeavor with a story to be told. I'd love to talk more over the phone or meet you in person! believe in getting to know my clients and value our relationships whole heartedly.