Perspectives #16
Perspectives Critiques are photo critiques that were made independently from one another. The critiques are not seen until they are all published together. It's interesting to see the similarities and differences in the critiques.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this photo!

Nel van Huyssteen:
The viewers eye is normally drawn to the brightest part of the image. I this case the burning fire. I feel the subject of interest- the couple- should have been the brightest part of the image. To achieve this the image should be underexposed for ambient light, not to blow out the highlights of the fire and then add subtle OCF with grid to make sure the couple is well exposed in the overall image.
Danilo Almeida:
Uma linda fotografia para os clientes. Ótima combinação de cores quentes e frias, porém faltou uma direção ou uma ação espontânea para que a fotografia ficasse ainda mais especial. Os noivos poderiam estar se olhando, criar uma conexão a mais. As duas pesssoas nas siluetas poderiam estar vindo ou voltando na direção da fogueira, assim conseguiria ter duas fotos dentro de uma foto. Outro ponto mais simples, porém complementar a linha do horizonte poderia estar alinhado.
Axel Breuer:
Technically a well done shot, the exposure is great, the composition balanced and well arranged. However, the silhouettes keep pulling my gaze away from the couple. In addition, they have no use for the image statement. The reflection in the glasses also pulls attention away a lot, yes away from actually what?
The main focus should certainly be the couple, which, after a two-man walk in the cold evening at the warm fire cozy. I think the time and situation could have been better used. On the one hand, I notice that the situation looks a bit like acting. Both are not sitting relaxed, kneeling temporarily. The couple seems to me to be asked to hold their hands warming to the fire, true coldness would look different. Moreover, both could have given each other some warmth, cuddling, leaning against each other. More intimacy would certainly have done a couple photo good.
Markus Morawetz:
I like the mood of the photo. Personally, I would align the photo so that the sea is straight. In addition, in post, I'd even tone the color of the faces a bit and darken a bit around the fire. I would also try to integrate the 2 silhouttes in the background a little better into the picture. Now this image does not yet tell a story for me as a viewer. Hope this helps =)
Carlos Porfírio:
As this to be a couple moment, i would try to make 2 possible corrections to make this moment stronger
1 - Solution - Cropping the image from the right top until eliminate the persons silhouette in the back near the beach, making this a more intimate moment of the couple; i would also correct the horizon level.
2 - Solution - If possible when doing this shot, i would try put the lady and the man on opposite places, converged to the center and probably looking to each other while heating their hands... to create a moment between both and the fire.... like the "fire that heats their love"; finally correcting the horizon level.
Addison Cumberbatch:
I like the warm tones of this photo, the reflections of the fire in his glasses; however I find that the fire is a bit over processed but it can accepted. I however cannot get pass the two obvious flaws:-
1. The horizontal is skewed.
2. The Silhouette figures are distracting .
I would crop the two figures out and straighten the horizon in the process. I have attached an update of the crop I suggested.

Fabiano Nunes:
Bom uso da luz natural, porem alguns pontos me incomodam na foto, 1 poderia ter caprichado um pouco mais na pós edição, retirado as pessoas ao fundo que chamam a atenção porem não agregam nada a imagem , clareado um pouco mais o rosto do casal que me parecem escuros e retirado os galhos secos que se misturam nas costas do noivo, 2 a linha do horizonte esta um pouco torta, 3 a direção poderia ter sido feita diferente faltou conexão entre o casal , talvez eles sentados e abraçados criaria uma relação mais armonica e romantica para combinar com o cenário.