Top 10
Bahia, Brazil
Our Top 10 Wedding Photographers in Bahia, Brazil
Aldo Bernardis
Bahia, Brazil
Recent Fearless Awards
Aldo Bernardis is from Bahia, a student of digital marketing, and with his 30 years he has been a photographer for seven years. He has already produced works in Canada, the United States, Portugal, Spain, Paraguay, among others, that generated images awarded by associations such as ISPWP, Fearless Photographers, WPS, Bride and Inspiration Photographers. He was also a speaker at the Brazil Brazil 2015 Technology Center; of IndRoad Salvador in 2016 and of Unilens Salvador also in 2016.
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Érika Bitencourt
Recent Fearless Awards
Olá, tudo bem? Sou a Érika Bitencourt. Fotógrafa de Casamentos completamente apaixonada pela profissão. Sou formada em Administração e pós graduada em Gestão Estratégica e Negócios, mas foi na fotografia que verdadeiramente me encontrei.
A fotografia é o único bem que quanto mais o tempo passa, mais valioso se torna. E o único que irá durar para sempre. Conhecer pessoas, suas histórias inspiradoras, personalidades únicas e tornar eternos os momentos mais incríveis da vida delas com o meu olhar é mágico e especial.
Minha missão é retratar sentimentos sinceros e momentos inefáveis com o intuito de eternizar memórias de forma autêntica e proporcionar a satisfação plena das pessoas que tenho a honra de fotografar.
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Cristina Lopes
Teixeira de Freitas
Recent Fearless Awards
A photograph is a moment captured for eternity and it is with my lens that I want to capture every moment, feeling, and story.
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Flávio Alvarenga
Bahia, Brazil
Diversão. Energia. Emoção. Nós capturamos os momentos reais que você vai olhar para trás e rir, chorar, e reviver tudo de novo.
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Silas Coelho
I am Silas Coelho, weddings photographer, with 37 specializations, being 8 international and 29 national, member of the three best AND SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHER TIMES OF THE WORLD, BRAZIL AND LATIN AMERICA, WHERE ONLY 3% CAN ENTER.INSPIRATION PHOTOGRAPHERS, which is an international directory of LATIN AMERICA, Fineart association in Brazil AND THE MOST IMPORTANT, WORLDWIDE, FEARLESS PHOTOGRAPHERS. I adopt a documentary concept, to tell its story, so that each session or marriage has the personality of the couple. Let's live intense experiences and where there is love, that's where we're going!
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Thaty Alves
Bahia, Brazil
Fotografo profissionalmente a 7 dias, amo meu trabalho, e a cada dia aprendemos mais sobre esse amor por contar historias.
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Rony Santana
Passionate about this art that enchants everyone and makes us dive into a world of dreams and good memories. Anyone who sees him photographing immediately realizes that he is crazy about what he does! How else can you explain the fact of lying on the ground and climbing high places looking for an angle that not everyone would think of?
Born in the interior of Bahia, he worked for a long time as a public school teacher, but in 2012 he decided to change the blackboard and chalk for the camera. He's the type of person who loves challenges and is almost never satisfied, when everyone thinks he's good, he believes it can still get better! He is always updating himself and trying to evolve his perception of what is happening around him. He loves what he does and it gives me great satisfaction to see on the faces of the people he photographs the joy of seeing the final result of a job done with great care and dedication.
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