Top 10
Breda, Netherlands
Our Top 10 Wedding Photographers in Breda, Netherlands
Denise Motz
Breda, Netherlands
Recent Fearless Awards
Living both in the Nederlands (Breda) and Italy (Bassano del Grappa) has made my life and work a lot more energetic. I thrive on photographing different cultures and it's amazing to see two different cultures come together on a wedding. It is very special for me to be able to experience the love between you and your friends / family up close. Each family has their own habits and shared memories, which makes every wedding unique and challenging for me. Storytelling, real and humor are three terms that stick with me.
Happy to hear from you!
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Arjan van der Plaat
Breda, Netherlands
Recent Fearless Awards
Enjoy! We take care of all the rest. Your wedding, a relaxed day of which you want to take in every second and enjoy without being interrupted by a photographer. This is something we understand very well, which is why we have perfected the art of blending in with your guests and make sure capture the whole day without being seen. "Within minutes we did not even notice you were there" is the compliment we hear often and it is something which makes us very proud!
A tear rolling down your mother's or father's cheak? Your grandmother laughing so hard it hurts? We capture it all! We happen to have an extra sharp eye for emotions and capturing the moment. During photography we use humor and we do not stage anything. By now we have photogaphed over 300 weddings and there is one thing we are absolutely sure of: when you are enjoying yourselves we take the best pictures!
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Gaby Ermstrang
Breda, Netherlands
Recent Fearless Awards
My name is Gaby Ermstrang and I am a photographer in the Netherlands. I am in love with LOVE and it all be mixed with a touch of fun and creativity.
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Judith Adriaansen
Breda, Netherlands
Recent Fearless Awards
I am Judith Adriaansen, a (Dutch) wedding photographer. I gain a lot of energy when I have the opportunity to tell unique love stories through images that couples will carry with them forever, capturing the atmosphere of their day. I love journalistic wedding photography, which means I capture all the major highlights and small moments of happiness just as they truly are. With attention to you as a bridal couple and all the loved ones around you. This is about loving glances, joyful tears, intense hugs, and images that carry humor. My goal is to make you shine in photos that portray your personality and love. With passion and creativity, I capture your love story!
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Caroline Peeters
Breda, Netherlands
Recent Fearless Award
For every shoot I will go all the way, to capture all the favorite moments, good and recognizable in all their beauty. To provide a wonderful keepsake, a piece of history. I like to work on a spontaneous way, with a natural result. I will bring emotion and feeling perfect in the image, preferably on a cool location with natural light.
I work on weddings on a journalistic way, with all those special moments excepted directing, but stand there with my camera always on. During the shoot I take the initiative and on a relaxed way, to get spontaneous pictures, with a lot of passion. My goal is to go for pictures that you recognize yourself, in your most beautiful way
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Jesse van Kalmthout
I learned from the best because I aspire to join the best. TwoMann and Damon Pijlman alumnus, focussed on journalistic wedding photography because it's in my DNA and not because it's hipster. Busting my ass and giving it all for real, meaningful moments. And smiling while doing it.
Fearless, Junebug Best of the Best 2015, ISPWP, and Masters of Dutch Wedding Photography award winner.
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Albert Weterings
Claudia en Albert zijn twee creatieve fotografen die de mooiste trouwreportage maken van jullie huwelijk. Op de dag van het huwelijk komen wij van Vrouwenhof Fotografie altijd met twee fotografen op locatie. Hierdoor leggen we heel jullie dag tot in de puntjes vast. Dat houdt in dat we niet alleen 's morgens bij zowel de bruid als de bruidegom fotograferen, maar ook in het gemeentehuis en/of de kerk vanuit twee invalshoeken fotograferen. Hét recept voor een schitterende serie trouwfoto's!
Natuurlijk vliegen we ook met een drone, die paar luchtfoto's maken het wel een super gaaf geheel natuurlijk! Wij zijn gevestigd in Brabant maar werken door geheel Nederland.
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Babet Trommelen
Tijdens haar fotografiestudie besloot Babet om een eigen bedrijf op te richten. Met het thema 'storyteller' als rode draad legt ze verschillende soorten momenten vast. Van prachtige bruidjes en emotionele bruidegoms tot blije baby's en bolle zwangere buiken, Babet weet er altijd prachtfoto's van te maken.
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Claudia Weterings
Ga je trouwen? Gefeliciteerd! Nu ben je vast op zoek naar de beste fotograaf voor de bruidsreportage van jullie mooiste dag. Wij zijn Albert en Claudia en al vele jaren als echtpaar actief als bruidsfotograaf. Wij komen altijd met z'n tweeën om foto's te maken op jullie mooiste dag. Geen strak geposeerde foto's maar lekker ongedwongen, relaxte reportages. Waar het om gaat zijn de momenten, de emotie en de sfeer van jullie prachtige huwelijk.
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