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Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo
Szabolcs Locsmándi portfolio photo

Szabolcs Locsmándi

Contact Szabolcs Locsmándi

I'm a documentary wedding photographer from Hungary. My photography style combines artistic with reportage, I like to focus on the emotions, composition and natural light. As a photojournalist, I seek for the candid moments of the wedding to tell stories through the images.

Where are you located? Do you charge a travel fee for weddings not in your location?

I usually work in western Hungary, but I have also done photography in other parts of Europe. // Többnyire a nyugat-magyarországi régióban tevékenykedem, de Európa más részein is fotóztam már.

How long have you been in business? How many weddings have you photographed as the main photographer?

I've been a portrait and street photographer since 2010, we started wedding photography in 2015. // 2010 óta foglalkozom portré- és riportfotózással, az esküvőfotózást 2015-ben kezdtük el.

Describe your "style" of wedding photography.

Reportage with a hint of artistic influence: creative, relaxed and honest. // Riport egy csipetnyi művészi hatással: kreatív, fesztelen és őszinte.

What's the typical wedding coverage package that you offer? What is the price?

~10 hours (from getting ready to the bridal dance) - 1100 Eur // ~10 óra (készülődéstől a menyasszonytáncig) - 420 000 Huf

What are your professional degrees, credentials, affiliations? Have you taken any recent educational workshops or classes?

I have an official qualification. // Rendelkezem államilag elismert fotográfus végzettséggel.

