Seeing Things Differently

Unusual moments can best be described as quirky, off-beat, strange, maybe even a little weird—but always interesting. These wedding photographs are often the product of photographers who are always looking for more than just the obvious wedding photos. Not content to just doing the normal, these photographers strive to see and capture these unusual moments as visual surprises for their clients. 
“You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life.” - Joan Miró 
Top 12 Fearless Photographers of "Unusual Moments."

Katrin Küllenberg

Curious about the fancy dress? Or just worn out by the morning's activities? It's hard to know what the dog was thinking, but the pup's uplifted gaze adds a sweet perspective (and level of personalization) to this getting-ready image.

Vali Matei

This "kissing tree" doesn't look like it's going to see some action anytime soon. But we're glad to see the humorous combination of a very traditional Scottish kilt and sporran (pouch) with a decidedly modern cell phone.

Joshua D'hondt

In this decidedly unusual composition, the backlit bride and groom (out of focus in the foreground) are positioned at the edges of the frame and turned in. Their faces serve as a frame for the lone dapper gentleman, seated in the grove on a far-off chair. The precise meaning to the couple is unclear, but the appeal and intrigue of the image is obvious.

Barbara Fabbri

At first, the subjects' very rectilinear positions and serious expressions seem logical against a rigidly traditional background of paintings and candelabras. However, the tattoos and unexpected composition add a fresh counterpoint and a bit of humor.

Benaissa El Yamani

A low view of the strolling wedding party and mingling tourists made this pigeon a momentary star and brought unexpected levity to a classic street scene. The fact that the subtle blue-green hues in the bird's plumage coordinate perfectly with the wedding attire is a subtle but pleasing bonus.

Lanny Mann

In their matching blue dresses, these ladies of different generations are a perfect match. The photographer captured the little girl's unusual maneuver and made it even funnier by juxtaposing it against the unflinching response of the adults.

Todd Laffler
New Jersey

While the spiritual aspect of weddings is serious business to many couples, it's hard not to fall for the humorous mimicry captured in this image. Though surely unintentional on the part of the officiant, the shared postures also reflect the long history and tradition of these ceremonies.