Love Makes A Family

Photography by Jordan Lyall
I was honored to be invited to photograph a local drag performer named Betty Baker as she prepared for a drag storytime that runs every month at the local library for families. The show is truly a family effort – her mom helps to write the show and performs with a puppet named Butch. Her stepfather does the set up and sound. Her grandmother is her unofficial fan club president. The shows follow a different theme every time, covering topics like love, friendship and creativity. Fittingly, the show I documented was focused on family, exploring the idea that all families are different but that they are all made of love. Anyone who actually attends these storytimes sees that they are inclusive, welcoming, and extremely family centred and child appropriate. I find it extra special that even though the program is aimed for small kids, there are often older kids and teens who also attend. They might be too big for story time but they come anyways and line up after the show to say hello because they see Betty as a role model and a safe person. Some of them have family attending with them and others come alone, looking for community. 
August 2023