How much does wedding photography cost in 2017?
What does professional wedding photography cost? We asked the Fearless community of professional wedding photographers from all over the world:
"What's your price to photograph a typical Saturday wedding in your local area including the full-resolution files and local taxes? Do not include albums. Do not include pre-wedding sessions."
Here are their answers.
Please note that the information provided by photographers is unverified and this compilation of data is unscientific and unofficial. It is not meant to be used for any business purpose or as part of any research. Prices can vary depending on additional services, products, or discounts.

For the European countries, the price is in Euros. We added the averages for Canada and USA for comparison.
Unfortunately, we did not receive enough responses from wedding photographers in the following countries to present their information:
EUROPE: Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Slovenia, Cyprus, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Finland, Bulgaria, Turkey, Croatia, Israel, Lithuania
WORLD: Kazakhstan, Bahamas, Bolivia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Guatamala, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, UAE, Uruguay
Maybe next year, we will hear from more photographers in those countries.

Thank you to everyone for participating in this year's survey. We hope to hear from you next year too!