Perspectives #10
In this innovative exercise, some of the top wedding photographers in the world were asked to critique the same wedding photos independently on their own without knowing what the others think. Would they agree? How different or similar would their critiques be?

Tyler Wirken
Wonderful moment. The lighting is quite nice. The only thing that's bothering me is not having the top of his head and all of the kippah. I would want the top of the head because the photo is too heavily weighted on the bottom of the frame. So, repositioning this, even as you're shooting, you get that person in focus and the bride in focus, and then you look around the corners and the edges of your frame and realize that it's a little tight and as you're shooting, you just move the camera up and put the bottom of the frame right underneath his arms or even his shoulders. Now you can get that interesting pattern in the background of all the circles that will fill the frame more. We get all of everybody's heads.
The final part of this is you can work on the exposure and underexpose the scene a bit more. I think that would be a pretty interesting thing to play with because the bride has such bright highlights. Everything goes darker - the shiny watch and the hands on both sides. Then we can really get into that bride's expression a bit more and see some more texture in the veil.
Overall, this is a really fantastic moment. And if we could just tweak those two things, I think it would a notch higher as well.
Valter Antunes
This one intrigues me because at first, I thought the bride was dancing with someone. But then she has the veil on so she's probably not dancing. This is probably part of the religious ceremony.
I would raise the camera up high and shoot downwards so I could see more of her expression. The expression is really good. It's a nice moment. You got the expression really good, but it could be better. We would see a bit more of the guy's kippah on his head.
Now I'm not sure about the focus. I think the focus is not spot on the face. The focus is on the guy's left hand. And so probably the face is unfocused or maybe it's just at the very back and gave me that impression. I would also add more contrast on the bride's face because whenever we have the veil on, the face loses contrast. I would always apply more contrast on her face.
I would also lighten up the side of his face to match a bit more of the light that he has on his hands. It's a nice shot. I like it.
Candice Cusic | Education
I'm not sure if she's crying. She's singing, she's happy. It's happy moment. I'm assuming that this moment is with her father. It's just beautiful. Well done for capturing this. I love the connection that their hand create. I love this brief expression.
The only thing that I would do to improve this shot would be to pan up. It looks like a lot of this photo is of this gentleman's back. And we don't really need all this to really know what's going on. So pan up to give more headspace and less back would improve the emotional content of this photo. But still it's a lovely shot and nice job capturing it.
David Murray
It's a beautiful moment of the bride looking like she's probably talking or dancing with her dad. What's key is that you see her face in the midst of joy, which is absolutely excellent. The issue I have is that the face of the bride is somewhat obscured by the fact that we're so far behind the father. His back is to us presents a problem of having this darkness which mitigates the joy of the bride. My suggestion would be to put a crop maybe to the left of the father's head and bring that edge down just below the bride's elbow, or maybe somewhere on the arm of the father while keeping her hand on his. That way we bring the focus more to the joy of the bride in the moment of the dance.